
CyberGuard has assembled top tier professionals to help our clients through the IT Audit and Cybersecurity Audit process. For further information regarding any of our service audits, or to request a fee proposal from CyberGuard, please visit our Contact Us page or call 1-866-480-9485 today. We look forward to hearing from you!





Effective for reports dated May 1, 2017 and beyond, SSAE 16 will transition to SSAE 18. There are some important changes which will affect companies that currently undergo the SSAE 16 audit, as well as third party vendors to these companies. If your company currently undergoes the SSAE 16 audit, download our Whitepaper titled “Embrace the SSAE 16 to SSAE 18 Audit Changes. Your Reward – An Even Higher Level of Assurance” NOW to see which changes affect your company.


For third party vendors which have decided to avoid the SOC 1 or SOC 2 audit, SSAE 18 brings major changes which will affect your business. Download our Whitepaper titled “Attention Third Party Vendors: BE PROACTIVE. SSAE 16 Changes to SSAE 18 – A Reactive Approach Could Cost You….” NOW to determine if you need to take immediate action to protect your business.

Free Resources

Embrace the SSAE 16 to SSAE 18 Audit Changes. 

Attention Third Party Vendors: BE PROACTIVE.  


Educating our clients is very important to us. We have developed a series of educational and informational videos to help illustrate SOC audits.